LESSON 11: Personal Protection and Data Protection

LESSON 9: Fourth day

 Hello everyone! 

In today's class we have learned how to use Jclic to create activities to be used in class and worked on by the children. It is a free software that is very useful for teachers as it has many different types of exercises.

First of all, we did an introductory screen.This is a simple introductory screen to let the students know what the activity is about. We can add information, set different colors, the sizes  of the boxes and add things like a timer and an "error" count although in an information screen it should not be used.

We have prepared different activities: 

1. Double puzzle. This activity splits an image in different equal-sized squares and mixes them so students can rearrange them on the side. It is an appealing activity, just like a regular puzzle. I use a picture of a horsewoman.

2. Finding pairs: This activity is like a card matching game. The students will have some images turned down and will have to click to reveal them and match them with the same pair. One way to do it is with the same image, but I have chosen to put different images of different animals and let the students do the research.
